It is weekend, and a well prepared, delicious stew with your family might be what you need.
Vegetable and melon stew is an African stew, made with vegetables and melon as hinted in its name, and of course with other ingredients. This stew contains protein, vitamins and minerals like potassium which helps the heart in blood circulation, easy bowel movement and development of the abdominal cavity.
You should have your:
* Vegetables (bologi, spinach, water leaf, field pumpkin leaves and any other)
*Bulbs of onion
*Peppers (scotch bonnet and cayenne; no tomatoes).
*palm oil
*ground melons
*stock fish/ dried fishes
*Locust beans (optional)
*Seasonings (N.B they should not contain tomatoes).
1. boil your meat, grind your peppers with onions and debone your dried fishes.
2.pluck and slice your vegetables. Wash them and boil with salt for 2 mins. Do not boil for too long to the point of softening.
3. Sieve your boiled vegetable from the hot water, then put it into another cool water and leave it.
4. Put a small amount of water in your pot, place it on fire. Mix your melon with a little amount of water, then you pour it into the boiling water on fire, add onions and let it boil very well to avoid incessant stooling. Boil for ten minutes and keep adding water, so as not to dry up.
5. Add palm oil and the ground peppers into the boiling melons, add your locust beans and deboned fish/ stock fish. Let it boil for 2 minutes.
6. Stir lightly, then add your seasonings and meat. Let it boil for another 1 minute
7. Remove your vegetables from the cool water and cut (optional) into the sauce on fire. Stir lightly and let them mix up.
8. Add salt to your taste and let it cook for another 2 minutes. Then it is done and ready to be served.
- You can have it eaten like that, with your white rice or morsels.
It is rare and not really advisable to use amaranthus, as the could melt away into the sauce.